Words of wisdom to get your research job done right the first time

The essence of market research is understanding who buys what, where, when, why, and how. From campaign and ad testing, to shopping research, new product development, pricing research, concept testing and more, novice and expert researchers always have something new to learn.

For those new to the industry, or those new to just a particular technique, it can be overwhelming to find a single source of information to help you get started. With that in mind, we’ve curated a helpful set of blog posts to get you started with the most common research techniques used by marketers.


IHUTs, Sensory, and Package Tests

Put your product or package in the hands of consumers and understand their perceptions of opening, touching, smelling, eating, and using it.

Telephone Research

Connect with random samples of the population, or reach busy professionals over the phone.

Qualitative Research

From focus groups, one-to-one interviews, dyads, and triads, have personal discussions with people face-to-face both online and in-person.

Quantitative Research

Gather large sample measures and metrics that can be used to size markets and project results to broader populations.

On-Site Research

Meet people where they are and get to know them personally – in stores, or at home, arenas, museums, restaurants, and events.

Sample and Panel

Gain access to samples of people who meet your precise targeting requirements.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with us! We’d love to help you learn the intricacies of a new methodology so you can better understand your consumers!


Canadian Viewpoint is a one-stop market research data collection and fieldwork company. For over 40 years, we have been trusted by clients ranging from global Fortune 500 companies to local, boutique market, social, and academic research firms and offering top-quality solutions for offline, online, qualitative, and quantitative fieldwork. We specialize in providing high-quality solutions for offlineonline, qualitative, and quantitative fieldwork. As long-term members of the Insights Association, accredited members of the Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC), and corporate members of ESOMAR, we uphold the highest industry standards. Our diverse range of services includes sampleprogramming and hostingmall interceptscentral location recruitmentmystery shoppingin-home usage tests (IHUTS)sensory testingshelf testingcomputer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)Facial Coding, and other cutting-edge technologies. Explore our website to learn more about our offerings and access our demo site to experience our tools firsthand.

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