Tag Archives: CRIC

CRIC Launches Guiding Principles for AI Use in Market Research

The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) announced the release of its Guiding Principles for AI use in Market Research. Developed collaboratively by CRIC’s esteemed AI committee, co-chaired by Jason Zweig, Managing Partner and Vice President of Canadian Viewpoint, these principles […]

Embracing Every Identity to Develop a More Inclusive Culture

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion “DEI” is not an HR department’s initiative anymore. Over the past year, the Black Lives Matter movement shone a light on inequalities and injustice all around the world and has prompted companies to reevaluate DEI. It is not enough to […]

CAIP Canada Launches Two New Pathways to Earn CAIP

From the CAIP Canada website Analytics and Insights Professionals Encouraged to Apply for the CAIP Today and Join the Hundreds of CAIPs that Represent Quality and Ethics in Research. The Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada (CAIP) is pleased […]

Canadian Viewpoint’s Commitment to Research Standards, Privacy, and Ethics

CEO Declaration of Compliance with the Canadian Code of Market, Opinion, and Social Research and Data Analytics I certify that Canadian Viewpoint Inc has reviewed the requirements of the CRIC Canadian Code of Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data […]

October 8, 2020: Attend CRIC Webinar to learn about ISO 20252:2019 Requirements for CRIC Agency Members

-CRIC Once Again Raises the Bar on Quality Research in Canada- As the standard-bearer for quality research in Canada, the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) is pleased to announce a webinar to introduce Agency Members to ISO 20252:2019 Market, opinion […]

What is the CRIC Pledge to Canadians?

Your voice counts! By participating in marketing, social, and public opinion research, your opinions help influence the things that matter most to you. This includes government policies and programs and the development of products and services that better meet your […]

CRIC Pledge to Canadians Helps Distinguish Legitimate Research Requests from Illegitimate or Fraudulent Requests

The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) is pleased to announce the launch of the CRIC Pledge to Canadians. The CRIC Pledge highlights the commitment of CRIC members to the highest ethical standards and helps Canadians distinguish requests to participate in […]

CRIC Commits to Action – Encourages Industry Support to Confront Exclusion and Racism in Canada’s Research, Analytics and Insights Industry

The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC), Canada’s voice of the research, analytics and insights industry, condemns racism and discrimination in any form and believes our industry has an important role to play in pushing for progress. As a first step, […]

CRIC Webinar to Confront Exclusion and Racism in Canada’s Research & Insights Industry

The recent tragedies in the United States and Canada have again demonstrated the need to address the inequalities that persist in our society. As an industry focused on collecting and analyzing data, we know firsthand that more needs to be […]

CRIC Adds Strength and Depth to its Board with Newly Elected Directors Anastasia Arabia (Trend Research), Diana Lucaci (True Impact), Sam Pisani (The Logit Group) and Jason Zweig (Canadian Viewpoint)

The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) is pleased to welcome Anastasia Arabia (Trend Research), Diana Lucaci (True Impact), Sam Pisani (The Logit Group) and Jason Zweig (Canadian Viewpoint) to its board of directors. The four new directors were elected from […]