CRIC News: New Members; Represents Bulk of Industry’s Research Agencies

Canadian Research Insights Council – Le Conseil de recherche et d’intelligence marketing canadien

CRIC Announces New Members; Represents Bulk of Industry’s Research Agencies

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TORONTO, January 29, 2019 — The CRIC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the addition of more than 20 new members to the association. Along with the eight founding members, CRIC’s membership now totals 31 research agencies that were Gold Seal accredited under the former Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). Members include large and small companies offering a wide spectrum of services and technologies.

With the ratification of these new members, CRIC now represents the bulk of the industry’s agencies – providing weight and legitimacy to CRIC’s advocacy, self-regulatory and standards programs. Strategic partnerships with international organizations such as ESOMAR and the Market Research Institute International (MRII), gives CRIC international standing and cements CRIC as the leading Canadian voice for market and insights research companies.

NOTE: For applications received before end of day January 31, 2019, we will waive the audit requirement in the first year of membership for all companies that were previously recognized by MRIA as Gold Seal at the time of its demise. Gold Seal agencies looking to join CRIC after January 31 will require a formal audit to receive accreditation. All current members will have to undergo an audit to retain membership after 2019.

CRIC Members:

• Advanis

• Canadian Viewpoint Inc.

• CRC Research


• Corporate Research Associates


• Environics Institute

• Environics Research

• Hotspex Inc.

• Illumina Research Partners

• Insightrix Research Inc.

• Insights West

• Ipsos Canada

• Leger

• MBA Recherche

• MD Analytics Inc.

• MQO Research Inc.

• Mustel Group

• Nanos Research Corp

• Nlogic

• NRG Research Group

• Numeris

• Phoenix SPI

• Pollara Strategic Insights

• PRA Inc.

• Quorus Consulting Group

• R.A. Malatest & Associates.

• Rand Market Research Corp.

• Research Management Partners

• Télé-Sondages Plus

• The Logit Group

About CRIC: CRIC’s mandate is to develop and approve market and research standards and supportive programs; provide effective promotion and advocacy for the market and insights research industry; serve as a source of information for the industry; and be a forum for collective industry action.

CRIC Board of Directors:
Gary Bennewies,President and CEO, Ipsos Canada
Chuck Chakrapani,President, Leger Analytics
Ed Gibson,President, CRC Research
Frank Graves, President, Ekos Research Assoc.
Jean-Marc Léger, President, Leger
Don Mills, Chair and Senior Counsel, Corporate Research Associates
Nik Nanos, Exec. Chairman, Nanos Research
Carol Udell, President, Canadian Viewpoint
Barry Watson, President and CEO, Environics Research

For more information: Visit or  contact Greg Jodouin, Government Relations and Public Affairs at

Le CRIC annonce l’adhésion de 23 nouveaux membres

TORONTO, 29 janvier 2019 — Le conseil d’administration du CRIC est heureux d’annoncer l’ajout de 23 nouveaux membres à l’association. En plus des huit membres fondateurs, le CRIC compte maintenant 31 firmes de recherche qui étaient accrédités Sceau d’or par l’ancienne Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing (ARIM). Les membres proviennent des entreprises en sondage et recherche marketing de toutes tailles, offrant un large éventail de services et de technologies.

Avec l’adhésion de nouveaux membres, le CRIC représente maintenant la majorité des organismes de l’industrie, ce qui permet de défendre plus efficacement les droits des intervenants de l’industrie, d’établir des politiques d’autoréglementation et d’assurer le respect des hauts standards de qualité du CRIC. De plus, le CRIC a signé des partenariats stratégiques avec des organisations internationales comme ESOMAR et le Market Research Institute International (MRII).

Ces actions permettent au CRIC de devenir le principal porte-parole canadien des entreprises de sondages et de recherche marketing.

Les membres du CRIC :

• Advanis

• Canadian Viewpoint Inc.

• Corporate Research Associates



• Ekos Research

• Environics Institute

• Environics Research

• Hotspex Inc.

• Illumina Research Partners

• Insightrix Research Inc.

• Insights West

• Ipsos Canada

• Leger

• MBA Recherche

• MD Analytics Inc.

• MQO Research Inc.

• Mustel Group

• Nanos Research Corp

• Nlogic

• NRG Research Group

• Numeris

• Phoenix SPI

• Pollara Strategic Insights

• PRA Inc.

• Quorus Consulting Group

• R.A. Malatest & Associates.

• Rand Market Research Corp.

• Research Management Partners

• Télé-Sondages Plus

• The Logit Group

NOTE : Les firmes qui détiennent actuellement le Sceau d’or de l’ARIM et qui adhéreront au CRIC avant le 31 janvier 2019 n’auront pas à suivre le processus d’audit au cours de la première année. Les agences qui voudront se joindre au CRIC après le 31 janvier devront suivre le processus d’audit avant de recevoir leur accréditation.

À propos du CRIC : Le CRIC a pour mandat d’élaborer et d’approuver des normes en matière d’études de marché et des programmes de soutien; d’assurer efficacement la promotion et la défense des intérêts dans le secteur de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing; de constituer une source d’information pour l’industrie; et de servir de forum pour une action collective de l’industrie.

Conseil d’administration du CRIC:
Gary Bennewies, Président et CEO, Ipsos Canada
Chuck Chakrapani, Président, Leger Analytics
Ed Gibson, Président, CRC Research
Frank Graves, Président, Ekos Research Assoc.
Jean-Marc Léger, Président, Leger
Don Mills, Président et avocat senior, Corporate Research Associates
Nik Nanos, Président exécutif, Nanos Research
Carol Udell, Présidente, Canadian Viewpoint
Barry Watson, Président and CEO, Environics Research

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, contactez Greg Jodouin, Affaires publiques, en envoyant un courriel à l’adresse ou visiter le site

Canadian Viewpoint is a one-stop market research data collection and fieldwork company. For over 40 years, we have been trusted by clients ranging from global Fortune 500 companies to local, boutique market, social, and academic research firms and offering top-quality solutions for offline, online, qualitative, and quantitative fieldwork. We specialize in providing high-quality solutions for offlineonline, qualitative, and quantitative fieldwork. As long-term members of the Insights Association, accredited members of the Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC), and corporate members of ESOMAR, we uphold the highest industry standards. Our diverse range of services includes sampleprogramming and hostingmall interceptscentral location recruitmentmystery shoppingin-home usage tests (IHUTS)sensory testingshelf testingcomputer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)Facial Coding, and other cutting-edge technologies. Explore our website to learn more about our offerings and access our demo site to experience our tools firsthand.

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