Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seasonal Strategies: Engaging Your Audience and Gathering Data Through On-Site Activations

In today’s highly competitive market, capturing consumers’ attention is more challenging than ever, particularly given their increasingly shorter attention spans. Gathering feedback from your current users or the market as a whole is beneficial for brands. By conducting on-site activations, […]

Sensory Testing Excellence – Transforming Canadian Viewpoint’s Expertise into high quality data 

Launching a new product or enhancing an existing one often involves navigating the challenges of consumer acceptance and strategic market timing. Gathering feedback from your current consumers or desired target market is crucial. In our recent blog post, we investigated […]

CRIC Launches Guiding Principles for AI Use in Market Research

The Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) announced the release of its Guiding Principles for AI use in Market Research. Developed collaboratively by CRIC’s esteemed AI committee, co-chaired by Jason Zweig, Managing Partner and Vice President of Canadian Viewpoint, these principles […]

Decoding the Future: Explore AI Adoption and Fraud Impact in Market Research

In this insightful article, we delve into the evolving role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in market research, based on findings from Canadian Viewpoint’s industry survey. We examine current AI adoption in survey design and analysis, alongside professionals’ views on AI’s potential to either increase or decrease fraud risks. The article highlights critical trends and concerns, offering a comprehensive overview of AI’s growing impact on market research integrity and practices. Read more >

How to Leverage Biometrics and AI Technology to Detect Fraud in Panel Entries

In the realm of Market Research, where data fuels decision-making, the looming threat of Survey Fraud poses a crisis. Continuous assaults by fraudsters compromise the integrity of research data, risking the accuracy and reliability of insights crucial for business progress. Traditional anti-fraud methods prove insufficient, leaving the industry vulnerable. Canadian Viewpoint embarked on a mission to revolutionize market research, focusing on verifying respondent identity and ensuring high-quality data.

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Data Integrity and Standards: Enhancing Open-Ended Data Quality 

In the world of market research, data plays a pivotal role. It empowers businesses to connect with consumers, offers valuable products and services, and gain a competitive edge. However, not all collected data is valuable. Inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, and skewed […]

The Future of Insights Depends on You – Take the 2023 GRIT Survey

In today’s dynamic business landscape, companies are actively seeking reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to make well-informed decisions. The cornerstone of these decisions is rooted in dependable and trustworthy data, which drives strategic initiatives. As consumers increasingly embrace innovative shopping […]

Harnessing the Power of Mystery Shopping to Elevate Your Brand

In today’s era of intense competition among digital retailers and marketplaces, providing an exceptional customer experience has emerged as one of the most effective strategies for setting one brand apart. To gauge the effectiveness of a company’s brand promise, mystery […]

Case Study: Leveraging AI Technology to Combat Survey Fraud 

Background  The rise in survey fraud has posed significant challenges to maintaining data integrity. Market research data is susceptible to fraud, with recent statistics from Greenbook revealing an average fraud rate ranging from 15% to 30%. To address this growing […]