Tag Archives: incentive

Nudge, nudge: An effective psychological technique for improving human behaviour (and selling more stuff)

  It can be really hard to ‘make’ people do things. Chances are, when you ‘make’ them do something, it’s because they don’t actually want to do it and they may try to avoid doing it. So how can we […]

Why Don’t Research Access Panels Match Census Demographics?

When you need to gather opinions from hundreds or thousands of people from across the country, research access panels are a great option. People have already consented to be contacted and share their opinions about a variety of topics, and […]

More Naked Packaging Please! The environment needs it and people are demanding it.

Packaging is a double-edged sword. It makes single serve food, beverages, and meals-to-go more practical and convenient. It facilitates safe and speedy transportation from producer to buyer. It helps shoppers quickly identify the products they need and want. At the […]

Chunking: What shall we do with a questionnaire that’s too long?

You have many options when a questionnaire is simply too long to start programming and fieldwork because it will generate poor response rates and poor data quality. You can cut answer options. You can cut questions. You can vastly increase […]

How to create great subject lines for email survey invitations

Ever since researchers realized that people could be invited to participate in research via email (wow, has it really been 20 years?), crafting effective subject lines has been an essential and tricky part of the research business. What is the […]

Full Service or Specialized Service: Which research provider is right for you?

With a full range of potential market research partners at our fingertips, how do you know when to use specialized research providers or outsource projects in one fell swoop to a single research provider? Let’s review the options. Full service […]

When is a mall-intercept the best market research methodology?

As the name suggests, mall-intercept studies entail intercepting people at a mall in order to engage in a dialogue and gather their opinions about a pre-determined topic using either qualitative or quantitative techniques. As with any research methodology, there are […]

Stories from the Research Field Director: It’s raining turkey jokes!

Stories from the Research Field Director: It’s raining turkey jokes! Read more >