Tag Archives: applied behavior analysis

What I 3 about you.

. What is a like? It’s a question on a survey, a verbal answer to a human moderator, or a button click on LinkedIn, Twitter, or TikTok. But what is it REALLY? What does a cerebral, subjective feeling of ‘like’ […]

Market Research Is Just Another Way to Talk about Logical Fallacies

. Obviously, consumers like your package, your product, your service. The brand manager said consumers like it. It’s impossible to prove consumers don’t like it. Consumers obviously don’t hate it. Sales are increasing so consumers must like it. Besides, everyone […]

Can you guess my bias?

Can you? Can you guess my bias? Am I biased against products that are sustainable because they aren’t effective? Am I biased against products that are NOT sustainable because they destroy the earth? Am I biased against products that are […]