Tag Archives: programming

Why Don’t Research Access Panels Match Census Demographics?

When you need to gather opinions from hundreds or thousands of people from across the country, research access panels are a great option. People have already consented to be contacted and share their opinions about a variety of topics, and […]

An ounce of fatigue prevention is worth a pound of data quality

Survey fatigue has been a hot topic ever since panel companies solved the problem of putting surveys online (CanView has been doing online research for more than two decades and offline research for nearly four decades!). It became really easy, […]

Chunking: What shall we do with a questionnaire that’s too long?

You have many options when a questionnaire is simply too long to start programming and fieldwork because it will generate poor response rates and poor data quality. You can cut answer options. You can cut questions. You can vastly increase […]

9 Essential Checks for a Questionnaire Pilot Test

When you’ve finally finished writing your questionnaire, after you’ve written, rewritten, and edited it ten times and the client has rewritten and edited it another ten times, you’re ready to test it in field with a small percentage of your […]

Full Service or Specialized Service: Which research provider is right for you?

With a full range of potential market research partners at our fingertips, how do you know when to use specialized research providers or outsource projects in one fell swoop to a single research provider? Let’s review the options. Full service […]

Hello Marketing Research World!

With nearly 40 years of expertise in the Canadian market research space, we’ve collected together a lot of stories. Funny stories, heartwarming stories, and downright strange and outrageous stories. We’ve also learned a lot. Not only have we learned a […]