Tag Archives: in-depth interview

Conducting research is easy… if you understand hundreds of cognitive biases!

If you’re equipped with excellent written or interpersonal communication skills, conducting research is easy. You identify hypotheses, develop questions or discussion guides to address them, and you’re done! Except you’re not done. People come prewired with literally hundreds of cognitive […]

What are the key features of a perfect package test?

Creating effective packaging to display products on a shelf is not as simple as stuffing a few handfuls of macaroni into a plastic bag or a box. A great package is functional, accessible, attractive, unique in its own right, and […]

When to use a probability versus a nonprobability sample

There are two main types of samples and researchers are regularly at odds with each other over which one is better. In reality, neither is better. Each one is better suited for some needs and less so for other needs. […]

Cannabis in Canada: Planning a wise communication strategy

Cannabis is just a few months away from being legal for recreational use in Canada which means companies and brands will soon have to consider how it might interact with their current line of products and services. Would incorporating cannabis […]

Where does qualitative research stand today: Thoughts on the 2017 Q3/4 GRIT Report

The GRIT report is a tracker conducted by GreenBook to better understand the status of the marketing research industry. It reports on the use of emerging research methods, traditional research methods, how research is used, and how researchers go about […]

Why would anyone use a biased snowball sample for legitimate research?

What is a snowball sample? As I write this, snowflakes are floating by my window making for the perfect winter setting. If I’m lucky, the temperature will hover at the precise point where it is both cold enough and warm […]

4 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Qualitative Research Recruiter

From focus groups to individual interviews and every qualitative technique in between, once you’ve decided that conducting qualitative research is the best option to solve your research problem, choosing a recruiter who will best suit your needs is the next […]

When is a mall-intercept the best market research methodology?

As the name suggests, mall-intercept studies entail intercepting people at a mall in order to engage in a dialogue and gather their opinions about a pre-determined topic using either qualitative or quantitative techniques. As with any research methodology, there are […]

Mall intercept research: A quick guide to pros, cons, and the safety of your intellectual property

Some people say that mall-intercept research is a study in the art of interrupting people. I prefer to think of it as the study of people in a neutral, natural setting. If you’ve ever visited a mall (and there are […]

The Pros and Cons of Telephone Research

Among many others, telephone research is one of the methods I love since it has a number of unique advantages. Naturally, as every method does, it also has a number of disadvantages. Let’s consider some of the pros and cons […]