Tag Archives: focus group

Product Packaging Trends for 2018: 6 ways to be truly authentic

Packaging is all around us. From cans of soup on shelf stores, to taco plates at the food court, and home meal kit deliveries, you can’t avoid packaging. Though the basic premise remains the same from year to year, people’s […]

Where does qualitative research stand today: Thoughts on the 2017 Q3/4 GRIT Report

The GRIT report is a tracker conducted by GreenBook to better understand the status of the marketing research industry. It reports on the use of emerging research methods, traditional research methods, how research is used, and how researchers go about […]

A Plan for Change: Market research goals you can actually accomplish this year

I’m pretty tired of New Year’s Resolutions that are completely unattainable. Only an incredibly tiny minority of people ARE able to lose those 25 pounds, write in their mindfulness journal every day, or read a novel every month. With that […]

4 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Qualitative Research Recruiter

From focus groups to individual interviews and every qualitative technique in between, once you’ve decided that conducting qualitative research is the best option to solve your research problem, choosing a recruiter who will best suit your needs is the next […]

Thank you, Teachers, for getting kids interested in the marketing research industry

Look at any list of what kids want to be when they grow up and you’ll find teachers, athletes, firefighters, police officers, pilots, veterinarians, and doctors. This makes sense, of course, because these are the professions that kids are most […]

Virtual reality is just fun and games. And market research.

For many people, VR (virtual reality) is the holodeck on the Starship Enterprise that lets you take a sunny vacation in South America without ever leaving your living room. And while we may not be there just yet, we’ve certainly […]

Should I worry if a focus group participant contradicts themselves?

Though their use has somewhat declined given the arrival of the accessible internet, focus groups are still a very much needed tool in the market researchers toolkit. Indeed, based solely on a Google Trends chart, we’ve relied on them quite […]

Hello Marketing Research World!

With nearly 40 years of expertise in the Canadian market research space, we’ve collected together a lot of stories. Funny stories, heartwarming stories, and downright strange and outrageous stories. We’ve also learned a lot. Not only have we learned a […]